How to wear silver boots in a casual way

how to wear silver boots, theblueyedgal, the blue eyed gal

Silver boots might sound like something very intimidating to wear, but on today’s post, I’ll show you how I wore mine in a casual but stylish way.

Las botas plateadas pueden parecer algo muy intimidante de usar, pero en el post de hoy, les voy a mostrar cómo usé las mías de una manera informal pero elegante.

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Denim on denim

Denim on denim - THE BLUE EYED GAL

When I was a little girl, one things that I’ve always heard was that “wearing denim with denim was unacceptable” and that it was ugly.

Cuando era pequeña, una de las cosas que siempre escuchaba era que “usar denim/ jean con jean era inaceptable” y que era feo.

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